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Workshops and tutorials

Workshop submissions are now closed. Please see our finalized list of workshop/tutorial offerings.
Important Dates

October 27, 2011        Open (finalized) and Panel Workshop and Tutorial proposals due
November 6, 2011      Organizers notified
December 19, 2011   Final schedule & speaker list due
January 8, 2012           Booklet materials due
March 4, 2012              Workshops and Tutorials Held in Vancouver, Canada

A note on proposals

A one page proposal is enough for the initial submission, however a 4-6 page abstract will be requested at a later date to be included in a DVD workshop proceedings which will not be posted online.

The 2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HS12 - ) solicits proposals for tutorials and workshops, to be held on March 4, 2012 preceding the full conference. 

Tutorials should disseminate knowledge of established research areas that are relevant to the haptics community. Workshops are forums where specific research topics are presented and discussed aimed at extending the normal disciplinary boundaries of haptics. In all cases we strongly encourage interested organizers to contact the HS12 Workshops and Tutorials Chair as soon as possible to discuss suitability of the proposed topic.
Tutorials are self-contained seminars of established research areas that should provide training within and perhaps on periphery of traditional haptic related topics. They should be focused on the proposed topic and should be presented by two or three experts in the field.
Interested tutorial organizers should submit a tutorial proposal no later than October 27, 2011.
The goal of workshops is to stimulate or highlight new research topics relevant to haptics which have not previously been within this community’s mainstream. They should allow members of the community to present and discuss new approaches to research, methods, concepts or emerging research areas. This forum should also nurture the interaction among presenters and attendees to obtain feedback from the attending community. Workshop presentations should not largely repeat oral presentations at the main conference, but could, for example, highlight or collect relevant work that has been seen in non-haptics venues. Interested workshop organizers can choose between two different workshop formats: open and panel. 
Open Workshops: The organizer proposes a topic, which (after approval) is disseminated openly; interested speakers apply to the organizer to participate. This style of workshop is ideal for exploring the degree of interest and activity in a new area. 
The organizer should submit a proposal describing the topic, workshop structure and mechanism for choosing speakers to the HS Workshops Chair no later than September 1, 2011. Once reviewed and accepted, the topic will be publicized. The organizers must supply a final program and list of speakers to the Workshops Chair by October 27, 2011.  
Panel Workshops: The organizer proposes a topic, panel of speakers who have agreed to participate, a schedule, and description. The proposal should be submitted to the Workshops Chair by October 27, 2011.
All finalized workshop proposals with prospective speakers must be submitted no later than October 27, 2011. 
Appropriate topics for Tutorials and Workshops that the community has expressed interest in include but are not limited to:
Multimodal Interaction
Hardware Evaluation Practices
User Preference Evaluation Methodologies
Rehabilitation Robotics and Haptics
Surgical Robotics and Haptics
Affective Haptics
Machine Learning / Data Mining
Emerging Haptic Technologies
Human computer interfaces and Haptics
Designing for Attention
Multiple Resource Theory
Important Dates

September 1, 2011     Open Workshop proposals due
September 8, 2011     Calls for Participation in approved Open Workshops
October 27, 2011        Open (finalized) and Panel Workshop and Tutorial proposals due
November 6, 2011      Organizers notified
December 19, 2011   Final schedule & speaker list due
January 8, 2012           Booklet materials due
March 4, 2012              Workshops and Tutorials Held in Vancouver, Canada


Tutorial and workshop proposals should be sent by email to the HS12 Workshop and Tutorials Chair <workshops [at] hapticssymposium [dot] org>.